Having grown up in the generation of the popular television show, M.A.S.H., I am continually intrigued by the phrase often used by the character, Major Charles Winchester. You may recall Major Winchester was an avid fan of the music of… Read More...
Recently, I had a chance to speak to a group of young musicians. It was actually a youth orchestra and there were many aspiring professional musicians in the group. As a professional trumpet player turned business man, my message to them… Read More...
Over the last decade, much attention has been focused on MUSIC ADVOCACY. Breakthrough research continues to point to "the study of music" as a key factor in the positive growth and development of EVERY young person. The music education… Read More...
Composer Roy Magnuson got more than he bargained for when he applied and was accepted for the NBA Young Composer/Conductor Mentor project this summer. Because he grew up near the campus of Illinois State University, where the conference was… Read More...
To be a great teacher is a gift that continues to be received by students for a lifetime. The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates.
When studying the playing and teaching of music today, it seems there are two main approaches which are taken, although the goal of both approaches is no doubt the same. All musicians want to play musically, with great accuracy and control,… Read More...
"Only a few of our students will pursue music as a career, but all of them will be well served if we can help them achieve a feeling of self-confidence." Read More...
There has been a debate over the years regarding the question of materials used for manufacturing both instruments and mouthpieces. A great number of saxophonists believe that metal mouthpieces are exclusively for playing jazz, and that… Read More...