Band Director
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Four more things band directors can do to contend with Corona Virus concerns

This is the second of our weekly series presenting suggestions for online learning, this time focused on improvisation.

Five MORE online learning opportunities 
Improvisational Concepts

Online Learning Opportunities #2
Content for Students and Teachers

Improvisation skills are not just for jazz band.  J.S. Bach, for example, was a master at improvisation. This series breaks down the concepts behind improvisation and encourages students to experiment with rhythm, understanding musical styles and advanced scale development. These concepts can be incorporated into a longer term project (i.e. practice) that should result in improved musicianship when students return to any ensemble.

Encourage (or assign) students to develop these skills and journal their experiences.  Write (or video) about your own teaching journey over the next few weeks and we can publish appropriate experiences on our news feed.

Improvisation #1 Beginning with Rhythm with Chris Collins, Professor, Director of Jazz Studies and Valade Endowed Chair in Jazz
This video is also available for professional development credit on AMELA as part of a three session course.

Learning Swing Feel Or How To Sculpt An Elephant with Antonio Garcia, Professor of Music and Director of Jazz Studies at Virginia Commonwealth University
Helping students capture this elusive concept is as much about recognizing incorrect swing style as it is studying the jazz masters.

Shedding Scales: The Evolution of a Lizard with Larry Panella, Associate Professor of Music, The University of Southern Mississippi


Two articles in preparation for returning to (or starting up) your jazz band program:

How to Evaluate and select music that fits your ensemble with J. Richard Dunscumb

 V.I.P. Shortcuts for selecting Jazz Charts with John Kuzmich