Historical Growth by Michael Gray

by Michael Gray, DeMoulin Designer

There is a beautiful ancient oak tree on Johns Island, South Carolina. It is over 500 years old. It has stood through the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, 36 tropical storms and 19 hurricanes. It has over 600,000 visitors a year. It is a masterwork of diligence, adaptation and perseverance.

Like DeMoulin Bros., this tree is a shining and living example of the ability to adapt and anticipate the environment in which it continues to thrive.

DeMoulin Bros. is an industry leader in the exploration of “green” uniforms. DeMoulin is the only company to utilize sustainable material that will never find itself creating a carbon footprint. DeMoulin then provides its customers with a top quality garment at no extra cost to them or the environment. See www.rejuvitex.com to learn more about this exciting new innovation in marching apparel.
This is new growth.

DeMoulin Bros. has a staff of accomplished designers with experience at every level and every aspect of the pageantry activity. DeMoulin has a presence in every uniformed venue in the world!

DeMoulin is proud to offer you its premier design team which includes myself, Michael Gray, 5 year Program Coordinator of the Bluecoats, visual coordinator and programmer for BOA Finalist Wando High School, and former Ensemble Caption Head for WGI. I am also a continuing clinician and judge for Music For All.

Chad Duggan is the current Artistic Director of the Madison Scouts. Chad’s resumé includes design work for theatre, modern dance, ballet, casino productions, Mardi Gras and world champion WGI finalists.

Rob Depp is a designer and an architect with a 2 decade history of successful designs on and off the field. Rob has over 25 years experience creating visual packages for some of the nation’s finest bands, including adjudication, concept developement, drill design, uniform, flag and prop designs.

These talented visual contemporary visionaries offer a wide variety of stylistic options and potential variations that are unparalleled in the industry.
This is sustained growth.

The DeMoulin sales team and support staff are real. When you call, a real person will answer your questions. We know you, your program, your parents and your account. The DeMoulin sales team will come to your band room, fit your kids, follow up on any needs you have and always stay in touch. Good personal service is hard to find in these times. We offer the total package.
This is solid historical growth.

Michael Gray, DeMoulin Designer

Call us today to start your new uniform project. Get with the company that brought so many new innovations to the marching arts. Call 800.228.8134.

For more information please visit www.rejuvitex.com