FREE Virtual Clinics for Your School Music Ensemble

While you are looking for ways to keep your students connected during this unique time in the world, at Peak Group Travel, we are looking for ways to support bands, orchestras and choirs during this Covid-19 Pandemic.

We recently reached out to several college educators to participate in our next event – Free Virtual Clinics for bands, choirs, and orchestras.  We were thrilled with the response of over 50 College Ensemble Conductors ready to provide you with a free Virtual Clinic.

This is a great opportunity for your students to engage with a college-level clinician via Zoom video conferencing. We realize that Zoom is not always part of a required class component, but we are hoping you will be able to offer this as an add-on opportunity for student engagement.

Here is the process:

You:  Submit a video and/or audio recording of a recent performance by your ensemble to Peak Travel Group.  (ask a parent from your last concert)

The Clinician: takes a day or two to review the recording

Peak: sets up a Zoom call with the clinician, you, and your students to provide feedback on the performance (other formats may be available)

REGISTER TODAY and we will email you back with the file upload information.

Stay safe and healthy. We’re here for you.

Bruce L. Rickert |President
Peak Group Travel