How is billing handled?

Fruhauf Uniforms Buyers Guide Part 9

The terms of your account depends on who will be responsible for payment. If your school district will issue a purchase order for the total amount of the order, no money is due for 30 days after delivery of the order. However,if your booster club is responsible, all uniform companies require a deposit at the time the order is placed with the balance due on delivery of the uniforms.

If your district wants to place the order in the spring of the year with billing to take place in the fall after the commencement of the new fiscal year, you should specify that when you go to bid. Uniform companies understand this situation and will usually work with the district. Don’t assume however, you can place an order with delivery in January and the bill due in September.

The deposit required of a booster club is 50%. If your total order is $20,000 and the boosters are responsible forthe full amount, they must submit a check for $10,000 to finalize the order and start actual materials acquisition and construction. If the booster club is responsible for $10,000 of the $20,000 bill, they would have to submit a check for $5,000 at the time of order placement to secure their portion, with the remaining $10,000 secured with a school purchase order.

If your booster club is responsible for any or all of the bill, we strongly recommend that you enter into an agreementwith your school district that will allow the school to issue a purchase order for the full amount and the boosters pay the school their portion. By doing this, no money is due until 30 days after delivery of the uniforms AND your boosters can keep their money in the bank drawing interest until the school has to pay the bill.