Taking a unique approach to the competition field this year, director Mark D’Angelo and the staff at Wyandotte have determined to do a marching band show about . . . well . . . marching band show. Like all good artistic endeavors, this show… Read More...
“This year’s show design process for the Wyandotte Marching Chiefs of Roosevelt HS was a circuitous path to the final product. The original concept was built around the “In the Arena” quotes and was supposed to support a gladiator theme and… Read More...
Steve Martin Composer/Designer- GPG Music Publications
Roosevelt HS Marching Band, Mark DeAngelo, Director
2011 Show "Heros and Villains"
"Mid-Season Evaluation"
As a benefit of the amazing technology available to us,… Read More...
Get Inside The Box — And win!
Randy T. Gilmore
I recently saw a comic depicting a boss pointing at a subordinate saying, “You get back to your cubicle and start thinking outside the box!” Other than being an obvious oxymoron, you can… Read More...
"First Thoughts"
The 2011 Wyandotte Marching Chiefs show is entitled "Heroes & Villains". This year, the Wyandotte design team was struggling a bit with the concept development and asked me if I had any shows that I wanted to write.… Read More...
Techniques for Drawing Focus
Scott Kurtzweil
Sounds of the Desert
Music: Lawrence of Arabia, Sandstorm from Hidalgo & Caravan
In the last installment of this series, we discussed basic design elements with regard to… Read More...
Preparing the Marching Show Visual Design
Scott Kurtzweil
I. Degree of Demand (Grade Level)
Before sitting down to design a visual package for a particular ensemble, I like to review video of its previous three years of performances.… Read More...
Show Concept and Design Clinic 2007
Scott Kurtzweil
Banddirector.com was gracious enough to ask me back again this year to provide another series of articles related to show concepts and design. For the 2007 installment of this online… Read More...
If working with a new marching ensemble, the first step in putting together a successful field show is to research the program as much as you can. For me, this information gathering is done through three… Read More...
Common Design Elements - Part 3
At this point we have gained all of the pre-design information that we will need to put a successful product on the field.
· We know that our band has a strong history of musical excellence and… Read More...
Writing With a Musical Purpose Pt. 5
Sccott Kurtzweil
A good visual design should always take work in conjunction with the music book. Not only is it important to match drill pages to the musical phrases but also match the score in… Read More...
More Musical Interpretation / Drawing Focus
Show Design 2007 Pt. 6
Scott Kurtzweil
Welcome to Cuba provides the designer, as well as directors, a myriad of challenges. The Afro-Cuban rhythms present the young musicians with plenty of… Read More...
Teaching & Cleaning
Scott Kurtzweil
The complete drill package for Sterling Heights High School is now complete and it is time to begin working with the students to get the designs on paper transferred to the field.… Read More...
When writing for a new band, it is integral to the success of the program to gather as much information about the band’s history, style and strengths. Another key factor is to establish a strong understanding of the expectations of not only… Read More...