Time to check on your instrument inventory

With record heat waves across the country, one way to stay cool is to inventory your instruments. Okay, we know, they might be in a stuffy storage area — regardless of the heat, the inventory still needs doing. 

We have a few suggestions for efficient inventory outcomes. 

1. What system are you using to track your inventory? Could be as easy as a spreadsheet, with many downloadable options. Some use the Charms tool, depending on school resources. If you have mad Excel skills, you can link the stock needing repairs to a separate page, and connect them to grant sources (see #4) or even.

2. Create an inventory list. Typically inventory sheets include a code (identified by color, number or other method), the make, model, serial number, age of instrument, purchase year and last played.

3. Tabs, tabs and more tabs. You may want separate sheets for woodwinds, brass, percussion, strings and accessories.

4. Determine grant status. If the instruments were purchased with a grant, be sure to indicate any follow-up needed for the grant. 

5. Repair tabs. Track the instruments being repaired, location of repair site, costs for replacement and repairs.


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